2019年11月28日 星期四

Tube vs Solid State - Studer C37 vs TFK M10 vs Ampex ATR-102

ATR-102 vs C37 vs M10/V86/87
        Who is the winner?  Haha.....I will not tell you my answer directly.  It is truly a quite rare opportunity to collect these three Master Recorders and audit them at the same time/place.....
        For C37 and M10, they are definitely cost no object product at their time and seems to live forever after well refurbishment.  And ATR-102, it is no doubt the King of America in solid state era with more advanced tape handling and editing features.
        A wonderful experiences to me.......
Very good condition of M10/V86/87 after refurbishment in original TFK trolley
Very mint condition of C37 from Germany
        PS. We are working on XLR connectors replacement for C37 to have "fair" comparison with M10.
In original C37, the male/female XLR connectors are opposite and
 need to be modified to use same cable.

2019年11月26日 星期二

A80 Mk1 head module改造計畫

A80 head module Mk.1 vs Mk2
        受朋友委託, 更改他的A80RC MkII的磁頭模組.  如之前提過的, Mk1 big idler roller solution的Head module並不常見.  只存在於早期的A80VU以及A80R.  所以要改必須要先找到單獨的Mk1 head module.
        這一次找到的雖然是1/2"的head module base.  但由於磁頭和head module固定點是一樣, 以及1/4"和1/2"其實是共用相同的big idler roller.  所以只要裝上1/4"的磁頭, 一樣可以使用在1/4"的A80RC之上.  由於只需要playback, 所以還必須在原來錄音磁頭的位置上加上dummy head.
        現在一切準備就緒, 已經將相關零件寄往歐洲進行組裝以及校正.  就等後續的結果了
Bigger scrape flutter idler roller in Mk1
It seems the connector of 1/2" is different from 1/4" and need to be replaced 
The positions of erase and record heads are different between Mk1 and Mk2

2019年11月24日 星期日

2nd new design tape recorder is READY to go! - Metaxas' portable TR-X

        First 10 sets are going now.  Heard you need to wait until next Feb (soon will be June...) to get one if you put your order now.  15/30ips, CCIR EQ, head direct out, twin capstans, tape path with all rollers except heads, discrete audio circuits..... I think Mr. Metaxas knows about RTR very well since Stellavox.....
        We will see if this small Giant can beat Vintage Monsters from Studer/TFK/Ampex.....

A very good summary for different type of Open Baffle Sub

SLOT type Open Baffle Bass
       Subwoofer Origami - Now I can easily recognize each type of open baffle bass design!