From left to right: Decca gold (retyped by vdH), Export, Decca vdH, Maroon with Paratrace tip |
Jewelries of vinylphiles.....I am lucky to taste the different generation of Decca cartridges. Although Mk. IV is still the King of Decca, they are sweet and excellent illusion providers.
請問Decca唱頭送到John Wright維修或者是換針是如何收費的?可以用信用卡或是Papal付帳?是否需先付訂金或郵資?
回覆刪除JW接受PayPal. 您只需要寄給他, 他檢查後會回復費用. 一般換針整新, 最貴就是換paratrace針, 費用會是250~300 pound左右
刪除請問Decca gold何處購得,價格約多少?謝謝您!
回覆刪除Decca/London唱頭台灣代理是小高音響. 您可以聯絡他看看.